Friday, June 19, 2009


Well, I have finally decided to enter the world of blogging! Had been hesitating to do this for quite sometime. But, just thought of plunging into it. May be pouring out my thoughts here will make me feel better. I ve never written diaries. Never tried to really understand what I was or what I wanted to do with my life. Minutes,days, months......years just passed by. The only best support I had was my family. Friends entered my connections with the outside world multiplied as the years passed by. I was surrounded with good people, people whom I could trust, who were there for me when I really wanted them.

Every human being I ve known has added value to my life. But never exactly did I realize the value of people around me. Never did I have enough time to stop, look back and think of anybody. I was just busy with my own life and lived for the moment. My priorities changed so did my interest with close friends and family. Strangers and Work became more important. Sometimes you never realize where you are going in life, why you actually do things that you do. How strange is this life...just like an ocean. Unknown, mesmerizing, wierd, confusing, sometimes calm sometimes scary...

But better late than never. I ma happy, i am beginning to atleast make an attempt to understand something about this whole journey of Life. Let this be the new beginning!


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